handle official business

美 [ˈhændl əˈfɪʃl ˈbɪznəs]英 [ˈhændl əˈfɪʃl ˈbɪznəs]
  • 网络办公
handle official businesshandle official business
  1. We hope through the application of this system we can improve the automatic level of our unit to handle official business and improve official and management system .


  2. System set forth by the main body of a book is simple , easy to use , the closed cycle having realized the stream working wanders about , supports strange land to handle official business , has the information processing function big and powerful and perfect safe mechanism .


  3. How will you handle official business next century ?


  4. Handle official business in the feasible field of the administrative system in practical application are introduced in this paper .


  5. This is very useful to checkout adhesive tape of taping and handle official business .


  6. The implementing object of the system involves information sharing , network handle official business , criterion manage , item control and scientific decision-making .


  7. Documents , is a specific validity and normative instruments for the implementation of the government organs to handle official business .


  8. At one time , we will give a project instance about OA , include handle official business affair , common information , and so on .


  9. Recommend Langchao enterprise handle official business structure frame of platform and use to divide into layers of realize and its function in coordination emphatically Implementation .


  10. MO is a new solution to realize office informatization . Through mobile terminals , people can handle official business anywhere , anytime , and it raised work efficiency greatly .


  11. The basic platforms refers to the transportation and communication facilities , the locations that adapt to handle official business and to dwell in , and their supporting facilities .


  12. With the development of technology , the advancement of the management thought and the appearance of new demands , the construction of e-government has gradually developed from the unilateral information promulgation to the bidirectional exchange visits and compositive handle official business between the government and the public .
